Thursday, December 4, 2008

Practice makes perfect

What does it take to build a My Power Mall Business-
For me, it takes lots and lots of practice talking to others about why they need a mall. I think one of my stumbling blocks is I look at people and automatically think in my head, "They won't want to listen to me" or "they won't want their own mall."

I did not get a chance to "get out" today until about 9:30 PM. I decided I might have some luck at the local college campus student center. It was a really nice night (weather wise) as it was not so cold as it has been. I walked around for a while exchanging smiles and hellos. One guy was using his laptop around with him as he was walking down the street. I thought, "wow, this guy really needs an online business like My Power Mall." Unfortunately his mp3 player was set way to loud and he was too wrapped up in what he was doing to even notice that I was trying to stop and talk to him.

Here is my video for today where I am practicing talking to people about My Power Mall:


World Changer Reality Boot Camp said...

Sandy! That was really great! I'm impressed. One suggestion, I would "smile" and just be a little more enthusiastic! Then I think you got it!:) I'm proud of you! Good for you!

Ginny Dye said...

Hi Jewel,

Very impressive! I also know it's hard to be enthusiastic staring into a camera but please know it your ENTHUSIASM that will draw people. Do you love MPM? Let that show. Are you excited about creating an income so you can stay home with the little soul growing in your body right now? Let that show. You can get away with not sounding polished as long as your enthusiasm shines through! :)


How Can You Become a World Changer?

1. Go to the website

2. Watch the Video for More Information if you have questions

3. Click on the "Yes I want a World Changer Mall" button under the video