Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Getting into the routine

I sent out another 10 letters to 10 more businesses today. I will call the 10 businesses I sent letters to on Monday tomorrow. I will also call the 5 non-profit organizations that I emailed today. I started with the local business non profit organizations (like the home builders associations, chamber of commerce, etc).

I did not have much luck on the phone today to follow up with my existing contacts. I had some errands that had to get done, and it ate into my follow up time. I attempted to make some contacts while I was running the errands, but was not successful.

I'm excited about hopefully setting up appointments and so forth tomorrow...

--Sandy W

1 comment:

Big Z and his Mom said...

Eventually, Sandy, the businesses you're contacting daily will BOOM. Good job getting the word out to them ;-).

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