Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Do something to build your business-everyday

No matter how small.

That was the advice I gave to a downline member that is afraid that he does not have enough time to put into his business to get it started. Doing something everyday can help build momentum and keep you going.

I also made a contact today on twitter and working to develop a relationship there.

91 views on my video; 379 hits on my MPM page...they are continue to slowly go up. I'm waiting for the flood :)

That was the MPM in my day. The rest of the day was other work and spring cleaning...six weeks left to get the house ready for a new addition....

Sandy W

1 comment:

Big Z and his Mom said...


You've shared so many good aspects of growing a business, but the one that most inspires me is the very advice that you gave your team member: "Do something to build your business everyday -- no matter how small." You have done this exceptionally well; you have been consistent. Thank you!

How Can You Become a World Changer?

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3. Click on the "Yes I want a World Changer Mall" button under the video