I am now three weeks into my maternity leave and am starting to get settled into a routine. I must admit yesterday, Beverly decided not to sleep all day and made it so I got very little done. But nevertheless, today has been a little better. I realized that I need to be keeping on top of things on the front end, making sure I am keeping track of my calls and follow ups so that I do not get to the end of the week and realize that I have gotten nothing done. In the last two weeks I have called 40 leads:
- 6- have asked not to be called--they were not interested in a home-based business
- 11- were bad phone numbers (i.e. disconnected)
- 11-I have left a voice mail with
- 4- I did not get an answer yet at the phone number
- 8 - I got answers but the right person was not there so I need to call them back
These were leads that I called using the calling edge system. The best part about this system is you can call 10 leads in about 10 minutes, not including the time that you spend actually talking to someone if they are in. It really makes calling leads a lot easier. However, calling leads are still calling leads, so you still have to go through the hassle/game of actually reaching someone on the phone to talk to.
Before the end of the day tomorrow, I want to accomplish the following things:
- email my downline about the new changes in MPM
- call the 23 people out of the 40 leads that I have left a voice mail with, or have not gotten the right person on the phone
- make a video that tells my story to include with my landing page.
Tomorrow morning will be taken up with a visit from a coworker to see the baby and my husband is working, so most of this will need to be done during the time that my 2-yr old is napping or after he has gone to bed. I will update you tomorrow on what has gotten done! I'm off to the grocery store after I feed Beverly!
--SAndy W
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