Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lawrence's Kaldor's story-Never GIve Up

Here is the story of someone I met on Twitter. He has a website, that he sells a copy of a romantic DVD comedy where the proceeds go to benefit two different charities that help those who have lost a limb.

Twenty Four Years ago I was in a traumatic plane crash – never give up

I lost my left leg, my right eye and my father -- never give up

I was pronounced dead three times during my 1 year hospitalization -- never give up

…I survived!!!

I made a film about my own true sibling rivalry – I was told of the impossibility of making a feature film -- never give up

One week before principal photography my lead actress backed out -- never give up

On a daily basis I was riddled with one production crisis after another -- never give up

“You’ll never get international pop star Cher interested.” – after two years of pursuing her, she gave us her music – never give up

“You’ll never get a corporate sponsor to give you any money” – Subway came in, paid for our re-shoots, gave us a location and took us to festivals – never give up!!!

…We completed the film!!! --- Never give up.

In 2001 after a wonderful festival run we got distribution -- never give up

On September 13, 2001 my financing and distribution was withdrawn because of the bombing on 9/11 – as we had a comedy with the World Trade Center in it – “NO ONE will ever want to laugh at a movie about people in NYC.” -- never give up

…The film sat around for years -- never give up.

In 2006 despite advice of friends and peers I spent my own money to re-shoot, re-edit, re-mix, re-score, add new music, remove the trade center, and update the film – everyone said it was a waste of money -- never give up

In 2008 we completed the film and got distribution at AFM – three weeks later my distribution company, a prosperous and solid company, went out of business due to internal conflicts -- never give up

I decided to self distribute – everyone said that was a bad idea -- never give up

I planned to give the proceeds to charity -- never give up

People are constantly telling me of the uphill battle to raise awareness – people are constantly telling me what cannot be done –

The people on twitter have been wonderful – I want to get the word out – I want people to give to these two worth while charities – and by Easter I’d love to present Cher with an impressive check for CCA and Dan Sorkin with an impressive check for SRU.

And my Saga continues…. And I NEVER EVER give up!!!

Peace and much love ~Laurence N. Kaldor

PURCHASE The DVD: http://www.redirectingeddie.com/dvd/

OFFICIAL MOVIE WEBSITE: http://www.redirectingeddie.com/

THE TRAILER: http://www.redirectingeddie.com/media/

CCA: http://www.ccakids.org/

SRU: http://www.stumps.org/

DONATIONS: http://www.redirectingeddie.com/dvd/purchase.html#donate

1 comment:

Big Z and his Mom said...

Wow, that's pretty cool. Thanks, Sandy. I'll remember: I will never give up ;-).

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