Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday-Week 4

Yesterday I had someone tell me "You're on a sinking ship and you should get off fast" because I have been working on this "boot camp" and do not have any sign ups yet. I just answered, I know I will because I continue to work on it every day, and eventually someone will be there when I call them and I will be able to talk to them.

In the mean time, I revisited the "101 ways to Promote My Power Mall." I picked out a few things that I could do while we were "on break" from the boot camp because I do not want to loose any momentum. I want to make sure that I am still actively building my business--that is I want to continue to go out every day to meet others that might be interested in being a World Changer. However there are other great ideas in the e-book that can really help bring me some results. I am going to make sure I revisit it as often as I can and keep trying a different promotion!

-Sandy W

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How Can You Become a World Changer?

1. Go to the website

2. Watch the Video for More Information if you have questions

3. Click on the "Yes I want a World Changer Mall" button under the video