Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Where did Tuesday get to?

I'm excited that the requirements for boot camp are now relaxed so the pressure has also diminished. I am disappointed in myself for not getting more done. I forget how busy this time of year is for my other job. I did leave a few messages on some of my contacts between dinner and bath time for Avery. I also attempted to make some contacts while I was out today but was not successful, so back to the phone and some leads to get my 5 for today.

Tomorrow is a new day and I will be rested and ready to get on the phone and meet 5 new people! To talk to someone (and not their answering machine) who is interested in building a business would also be a great early Christmas gift!

-Sandy W

1 comment:

Ginny Dye said...

You've come so far and I'm so proud of you! Keep making MPM part of your life and it will soon be as natural as breathing. The people who need and want it will just begin to appear around you. :)
I'm here - available for support if you need it!


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