Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday-Follow Up and So Forth

Today- I did implement my plan; I rode the local college transit bus, but unfortunately when I rode it about 9:30 at night, there were not as many people as I expected. I did have a very nice conversation with a gentleman about My Power Mall. I used the simple questions about what could be done with $2,000. I gave him my information. Although he did not want to share his information with me, I did enjoy talking with him about who could best benefit from a "program like this".

Here is the best part about MY POWER MALL-everyone can benefit. Everyone buys groceries; Everyone buys gas. Even if they do not need the money themselves, they can build the business for someone else who does or an organization who does.

The non profit organization that I would like to build my organization under is the "Urban Ministries of Wake County" This is an interfaith organization that helps to provide food, clothing, shelter and medical care to those who cannot afford it in my County.


Here is my approach to follow up. I know that everyone has a little different approach but here is mine. I send an email the day (or day after) I meet someone. I call them the day after the email to see if they have gotten it. If they don't answer I leave a message and call back in a two days. I basically use the Miracle Team/World Changer script to find out why someone is interested in building an online business. If I have a mailing address, I will mail them information and then call them about two days after I mail to see if they have received it and if they have questions. I am realizing that as my number of contacts grow, it is more difficult to keep track of who I have talked to recently and so forth. I am learning to take good notes! I sent out 19 emails today and will follow up with phone calls tomorrow and Thursday.

-Sandy W

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How Can You Become a World Changer?

1. Go to the website http://www.mypowermall.com/biz/home/25296

2. Watch the Video for More Information if you have questions

3. Click on the "Yes I want a World Changer Mall" button under the video