Friday, December 12, 2008

Thursday-What a day

Today I spent most of the morning taking care of my husband-he had a minor procedure and was a little bit loopy from the anesthesia. Then, my other job ended up having several emergencies I ended up having to take care of (we usually have issues come up when it rains, especially when it rains as hard as it did today with flooding). It ended up having to sit in a board of supervisors meeting for a client until 11:30 PM and then arriving home at 12:15 AM. Needless to say, I had a hard time getting the contacts I did today. I did manage to make a few phone calls to get 4 contacts that I will follow up tomorrow.

My Power Mall is such a great opportunity to build a business because it is one where you can work on building it no matter how busy you are! You can work it from anywhere!

Ginny- I will discuss my follow up tomorrow (well later today) as well.

Good night everyone!
Sandy W.


worldchangerrealitybootcampeleanorn said...

A day like that and you still managed to find 4. Good for you! This determination is what will make you successful.


Big Z and his Mom said...

Wishing your husband a speedy recovery ;-).

How Can You Become a World Changer?

1. Go to the website

2. Watch the Video for More Information if you have questions

3. Click on the "Yes I want a World Changer Mall" button under the video