Friday, February 13, 2009

Is it the end of bootcamp or the beginning of something else exciting?

Hello to all of the followers of My Power Mall's World Changer Realty Boot Camp!

I cannot believe that it's been 60 days! I cannot wait for the next 60 days!

You see...I really feel like I have learned so much and have learned so many ways to share my business. One of the most important things I learned though, was to take action and "do what it takes" every day to build your business. I still have a ways to go to meet my goal of $2,000 a month, but I now not only learned the skills needed to build my business but I learned that I must put these skills into action. My goal is to continue to try to spend at least 15 hours each week doing just that...for at least the next 60 days...that's about how long I have left until my baby girl will be born into this world. I hope that you all will continue to follow my journey and I want everyone to know I will always be available to help.

More specifically, my goal is to reach over 500 views of my video (I'm still at 60 today) and over 700 views on my MPM page (It went up to 298 today...that's 6 more than yesterday). In addition to learning more about social networking, I am going to mainly focus on working leads, and following up with the over 150+ contacts I have made, including all the businesses. I am going to try to contact at least one business a day as well. I'm looking forward to an extra hour each day for at least the next two weeks to help jump start my business.

I'll keep you all posted on how things are going. It's really not the end, but rather a beginning. I'm no longer doing this "because I have to" but I because I want to in order to reach my goals.

Thanks to everyone for their support!

-Sandy W


Big Z and his Mom said...

It's the BEGINNING of something else ExCiTiNg, for sure!!!!

I just sit here smiling and feeling so glad to know you, Sandy, and because of your dedicated diligence once more annotated on your blog. You're one to emulate ;-). Job, young son, a baby on the way, husband, house chores, business . . . and consistency and plans of action, too. Yep. I will be continuing to learn from you, and be inspired by you. Thanks ;-).

You will reach your goals because you will keep your consistency for another 60 days and beyond. You've found the groove that works for you. By the time your little Angel comes along, she'll be slyly helping you gain more contacts every where you go around that new town of yours, and, big brother will be Mom's little helper.

Happy end to Boot Camp, Sandy. And, happy beginning to the next level of your business, team and personal growth (oh, and family growth, too). Sleep well tonight, in reward for a job well done.


Tina Katz said...

Go Sandy Go! Go Sandy Go!!!!
Tina from ny

How Can You Become a World Changer?

1. Go to the website

2. Watch the Video for More Information if you have questions

3. Click on the "Yes I want a World Changer Mall" button under the video