Monday, January 26, 2009

Refreshed for a New Week

I spent quite a bit of time this weekend going through my contact list and removing those who had asked to be removed and making an email list for those who are left. I realized it had been a while since I had followed up with some of's easy for a contact or two to get lost in the mess of all the others. I feel like I'm organized now and have split them up so I can call them all within a week and hopefully get them on a weekly schedule. I only got to about 1/2 on the day's list today (it was a busy day) and was not able to call anyone from my breaks at work so that means I was not able to talk to any additional businesses today (because I really didn't get one today...I felt like I was on one conference call to the next. I used up my entire cell phone battery on conference calls...)

I did get a chance to call few and leave some more messages. I have a good tracking system so I think I will be able to make up those that I didn't get today later this week. I have another set of business letters ready to go out...

Talk to everyone tomorrow...

--Sandy W


Big Z and his Mom said...

Hi Sandy,

First thing is first: There are no viruses going through the phone lines!!! You are healthy and vital and so is your baby that you are carrying ;-). You are strong and capable!!!

Great job culling through your contacts and setting up the ones who still would like to remain in touch. We would like a contact manager of some sort . . . but I'm not sure what we'll use yet. Jacki mentioned putting them into an autoresponder system; Ginny has mentioned an online and an offline system.

You are leading the way in nuts n'bolts for contact manager tips, Sandy ;-).

Also, there will be days like today when you don't get as much accomplished as you hope, but by continuing to press forth daily with your intentions, you will make steady progress. You're doing great!

Wishing you a great week, Sandy. I hope that you will have some great responses in your follow-ups this week with businesses.

Tina Katz said...

You are really Rocking! You are doing so well. I cannot wait to see it all come together for you.
have a great week'
Tina from ny

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